Monday, November 12, 2012

She's Ilyiana Adi~

asslammualaikum sayang...
simple and shortest post i'll make if possible! hahah
well~ nama dia ilyiana binti adi mazlin~ dia ni aku kenal dari sem satu tp dia x join la oriented~ cause basicly dia kata dia x penah mengoriented kan diri nya sendiri dalam mna2 sekolah yang dia masuk even dia apply the same thing walau pon dah ipta~ haha~ gile dak ni~ sesuka hati limpa pncrease dia je nk buat cam tu~

well~ masa sem satu aku xde la rapat sangat ngn dia just biasa2 je sbb bilik lain2~ tp kira oke la sebb kitorang sekelas~ plus.. dia schoolmate ngn roomate aku dulu~ maksudnya di situ~ di sesekolah dengan mekang masa kat teknik n now. dia dah pon sepoli n sekelas balik dengan mekang~
so.. masa sem satu aku rapat biasa2 jela ngn dia.. nk di jadikan cerita pulak~ sem satu tu kan tanduk masing2 simpan lagi~ x nak keluar lagi~ maklumlah~ shy2 cat! hack tuih! menyampah aku~ hahahah~ sbb evrything is revealed when we turns to 19~ baru sume nk naik. nak nampak matang. nak ikut mana baik mna buruk~ maklumla~ dah macam boleh buat keputusan sendiri kan~

ilyiana~ when you read this~ i am so grateful to have u as one of my true friends~ in between us~ we know how suffer we are to stay with all the shit given~ haha~ gile provok~ lantok pi laa~ susahnye nk survive till the last breath without u.. u know...? susa tau x~ but then~ u left me alone.. i felt like.. oh maiii.. how can i survive with them..? i couldnt even talked to em'.. i need to survived by my own~ well.. it doesnt mean that i regret to have u as my friend but, i feel lonely without u and feel so down when u go without any last word given~ i couldn't hold my tears from all these shit~ arghh~~ hahah~ so emotional~ dont take heart~ its just a joke~

finally i made a decision to drop result just to depart myself from them~ i couldn't even tell my parents about all these mess happen during my third sem~ it's just too hard~ its too suffocating.... my heads just found the dead end~ haiyakkk~~ susah nyaa~

dear ilyiana~ thank you so much for yr love, yr accompany, yr joyful, yr hardship, and especially yr help towards me since we've been stickiing together~ it's wonderful time i've spent together with you eventho sekejap~ i'll kept the momen in my memory forever~

dominos bangi~ ada orang lapa sangat!

dia~ beruang, junior and opet~ ada cerita sendiri~

why am i wering hijab when its alredy 2 am..? you know the answer right..?

the time when u get viber on your phone~


late supper~


iftar again~


stuck with baju kurung tepi highway

we are heading to class

heading to home

sakan jumpa mekdi

dinner that we r do nothing~

well~ most of the picture dah hilang dengan  henpon2 sekali~ so kat lapto xde sgt2~ sedihnya~ sungguh la aku sedih dengan kisah tragik enset aku tu~ sume ade dalam tu~ suke duka~ x yah cerita laa~ huaaaa~~~~~~~~ habis gamba~ gamba je la pon yang aku sayang~ memori kann~ bila laa nak dapat henpon baru~ sapa nak kasik ni~ sedihh~~

oihh~~ ape kes laa aku bukak hikayat enset lak kat sini kann~ haha~ dah laa~ babai ilyiana adi~ habis dah hikayat kau aku type malam ni~



Ray_EyN said...

lopeh ni buek entry kek princess comeyh ni .. Reyn mong-ji .... kikikiki

Unknown said...

susah kalau ade yang jelesss ni~ aigoo~

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